Donor Hero: Jean Mewett
by Barry Mewett
In early 2005 my beautiful wife and wonderful mother died suddenly, with no warning.
We had been blessed with a life full of joy and love amongst our family and friends. We had also enjoyed living in both country and urban communities in Australia. We also lived in overseas countries. In all places Jean made many friends with her outgoing and engaging personality.
In the desperate days that followed her death we agreed to donate multiple organs and tissue. As a family we were sure that she would have wanted us to do this. Jean was a person of strong religious faith and a believer in the giving of organs as the gift of life.
Whist she would have been embarrassed to be considered a hero she would have been pleased that others were given a chance to live a full and meaningful life from the gift of her organs and tissue.
Jean was a person who gave so much to me, to our two boys and to many other people in a loving and selfless way. She also gave much joy to many people through her musical talents, particularly her singing. To give the gift of life was something she talked about, but it was not something we ever thought would happen. To me she became a hero.
It would have been her hope that those who received her organs and tissue would live a long and happy life after receiving her organs.